Transmission connections
We manage all new transmission connections to Tasmania’s electricity network.
Please send us an email at so we can discuss the process, timeframes and your potential connection options. A discussion during the pre-feasibility stage could save you both time and money.
Relevant documents
- North West Transmission Connection Expression of Interest - Hampshire Hills to Burnie Designated Network Asset
- Guide to Transmission Connections (PDF)
- Transmission customer connection enquiry form (PDF)
- Connection Requirements Checklist (PDF)
- Terms and conditions: connection application charge (PDF)
- Environment and Development Approvals (PDF)
- Register of large generator connections (PDF)
- Commissioning timeframes (PDF)
- Transmission Communications and Planned Work Protocol 2021 (PDF)
Standard connection agreements

Committed project criteria
TasNetworks has published draft criteria for a committed load project and is seeking your feedback.

Technical documents
View our technical documentation relating to the specifications and standards of transmission infrastructure.