Electrical emergencies and outages

If you've lost power or want to report fallen powerlines

General enquiries

For general enquiries, call from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Unexpected error

An unexpected error has occurred. Please re-enter the information submitted or call us on 1300 137 008.

Our strategy

Our focus is on delivering power safely and reliably while embracing change driven by our customers. In doing so, we’re working hard to keep our costs and prices as low as we sustainably can.

This means our services need to be safe, reliable, and affordable, and deliver what our customers and the Tasmanian community need and expect from us – both now and into the future.

The renewable energy transition is driving change in customer and community expectations and the way we use our networks.

As we learn more about what matters to Tasmanians and grow our understanding of the changing nature and location of energy demand, we know where and when we need to focus to continue to delivery safe, reliable, and affordable services, and make sure we are ready to deliver the next chapter in Tasmania’s energy story.

Our new company strategy aims to deliver the step change needed to achieve our targeted objectives and deliver our purpose.