Electrical emergencies and outages

If you've lost power or want to report fallen powerlines

General enquiries

For general enquiries, call from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Photo by Stuart Rutherford
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Our power supply guarantee

Customers who have experienced a lengthy power outage or multiple outages in a 12 month period may be entitled to receive a payment through our power supply guarantee scheme. If you're eligible for a payment it’ll be sent to you automatically. You don't have to do anything. You'll receive a cheque payment by mail made out to the name/s appearing on your power bill from your energy retailer. Our aim is to have the cheque delivered to you within 12 weeks.

Single outage duration payment

Also known as a timely restoration payment. You'll receive a single outage duration payment if your property has a continuous power outage greater than the duration listed in the table below. Your property has been classified depending on its location in the electricity network and your qualifying duration time will depend on the classification of your property. You’ll receive one payment per property (each property must have a separate metering point), per qualifying power outage.

Your installation category Outage duration (hours)
Urban and Regional Centres, High Density Commercial and Critical Infrastructure – generally customers located in the city areas of Hobart, Launceston, Burnie, Devonport and some other regional areas >8 >16
High Density Rural – generally customers located in rural townships >8 >16
Lower Density Rural – generally customers located outside the built up areas of cities and rural townships >12 >24
Single outage duration payment $80 $160

Frequency of outages payment

Also known as a reliable supply payment. We'll endeavour to limit the number of times the power goes out. This means you’ll receive a frequency of outages payment if the number of power outages (longer than 1 minute) to your property reaches the limits listed in the table below. Your property has been classified depending on its location in the electricity network and your qualifying outage frequency will vary depending on the classification of your property. If you qualify for a frequency of outages payment, your 12-month period will be reset and your number of interruptions (longer than 1 minute) will be set to 0 and recalculated from this new date.

Your installation category Number of outages (in any  12 months)
Urban and Regional Centres, High Density Commercial and Critical Infrastructure – generally customers located in the city areas of Hobart, Launceston, Burnie, Devonport and some other regional areas 10
High Density Rural – generally customers located in rural townships 13
Lower Density Rural – generally customers located outside the built up areas of cities and rural townships 16
Frequency of outages payment $80

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I receive my payment?

    If you're eligible for a payment it’ll be sent to you automatically. You don't have to do anything. You'll receive a cheque payment by mail made out to the name/s appearing on your power bill from your energy retailer. Our aim is to have the cheque delivered to you within 12 weeks from the last power outage that qualified you for the payment. 

  • Can I receive more than one payment for a power outage?

    If you qualify for a single outage duration payment, that power outage may also be the outage that qualifies you for a frequency of outages payment. If this happens you’ll receive both a single outage duration payment and frequency of outages payment for that power outage.

    For example, if you have 1 meter on your home and 1 meter on your shed, you’ll receive 2 single outage duration payments and 2 frequency of outages payments.