What we do
We deliver power to Tasmanians. Our vision is to be trusted by our customers to deliver today and create a better tomorrow.
We own, operate and maintain the electricity transmission and distribution network in Tasmania. We deliver a safe, cost-effective and reliable electricity supply to more than 295,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers. We facilitate the transfer of electricity between Victoria and Tasmania via Basslink, the sub-sea electricity interconnector. We also provide telecommunications and technology services.
We are owned by the State of Tasmania and operate as a commercial business with assets of $3.5 billion.
Our responsibilities include:
- Keeping our people and our customers safe
- Tasmanian jurisdictional planner in the National Electricity Market
- Maintaining and replacing network infrastructure to ensure a reliable service for our customers
- Connecting new customers to the network (including small and large-scale generators)
- Investing in the network to support capacity growth
- Operating the network on a day-to-day basis, including all power outage restoration
- Maintaining the public lighting system
- Recording and providing regulated meter data to retailers
- Providing telecommunications, data centre and information technology services to customers, including those in the Tasmanian electricity supply industry.
Our locations
We have two main offices: one in the Hobart suburb of Lenah Valley and the second in the Launceston suburb of Rocherlea. Our field-based team members are located at major resource centres at Cambridge, Rocherlea, Devonport and Burnie; substations in Trevallyn and Glenorchy; and at smaller regional depots known as response centres. Our Training Centre is located at Mornington, near Hobart.
Our subsidiaries
The subsidiaries of Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd are TasNetworks Holdings Pty Ltd (non-trading subsidiary), FortyTwo24 Pty Ltd and TasNet Connections Pty Ltd.
Fortytwo 24 Pty Ltd (42-24)
We own a subsidiary business called 42-24 that specialises in telecommunications, information technology services and data centres.
TasNet Connections Pty Ltd
Set up to facilitate large-scale renewable energy generation connections to our network in Tasmania.
For more information, please view our Capability Statement, by clicking on the link below.
The areas in blue in the diagram below indicate our role in Tasmania's electricity supply industry.