Electrical emergencies and outages

If you've lost power or want to report fallen powerlines

General enquiries

For general enquiries, call from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Photo by Stuart Rutherford
Unexpected error

An unexpected error has occurred. Please re-enter the information submitted or call us on 1300 137 008.

Send us a claim

This form will take about 10 minutes to complete. Before you begin, make sure you have read our Claim FAQs and you have any supporting documentation such as receipts, invoices, quotes, repair reports and photographs. We're unable to compensate you for any loss or damage caused by third parties, severe weather, accidents or planned power outages. If you live on King or Flinders Island, please contact Hydro Tasmania to discuss your claim.

Send us a claim

  • Your details
  • Address details
  • Claim details
  • Damage details
  • Review and submit
Step 1 of 5
Your details
Incident address details
Postal address details for correspondence
Same as above
Claim details

Start date and time of the event

End date and time of the event

Payment details

If your claim is successful we can make your payment via EFT or cheque

Damage details

Please provide information about the items you're claiming

Damage text

Review and submit intro text

Your details
Your details


Email address


Preferred contact method

Business name

Address details
Address details

Incident address

Postal address

Claim details
Claim details

Pole ID (ID of the closest pole to the incident if known)

What were the weather conditions on the day?

Did the power go off?

How long was the power off?

Description of the event

Have you made a claim with your insurance company?

Payment details

Payment method

Account name


Account number

Damage details
Damage details
Total claim amount

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

  • I confirm all information provided in this claim is accurate and no relevant information has been withheld
  • I confirm the damaged property which is subject of this claim is owned by me.
  • I nor any person claiming on my behalf has made a claim for this damage to another person, business or Insurer. Nor will I make such a claim if I accept any payment from TasNetworks. 
  • I acknowledge and accept that if TasNetworks agrees to meet my claim, any payment received is in full and final settlement. 
  • By submitting this form I confirm I have read the above declaration and accept all terms and conditions detailed in this electronic claim form. I agree this electronic request has the same status as a signed request.
By submitting this form you're agreeing with our Privacy Policy.