Regulated Distribution Pricing
Our distribution network
Tasmania’s homes and businesses are connected to TasNetworks’ distribution electricity network to get their electricity.
As Tasmania’s Distribution Network Service Provider (DNSP), we maintain and operate 22,400km of distribution overhead lines and underground cables, 227,000 power poles, 18 large distribution substations and 33,000 small distribution substations. All which helps TasNetworks provide reliable and strong connection to electricity for its 279,000+ customers.

As a DNSP, TasNetworks is regulated by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). Every five years, the AER approves the amount of revenue that TasNetworks can recover from its customers. TasNetworks’ latest Revenue Determination was approved by the AER on 30 April 2024 and covers the 2024-2029 regulatory control period.
The AER approves our Tariff Structure Statement (TSS), which outlines our strategy on how we intend to recover our revenue for Standard Control Services (SCS) for the upcoming regulatory control period. This ensures that our prices are fair and comply with the National Electricity Rules (NER). Our Tariff Structure Explanatory Statement (TSES) explains how we determined our network tariff strategy and the associated charges that impact most customers connected to the network.
Additionally, the AER approves the services that can be directly attributable to specific customers, referred to as Alternative Control Services (ACS). These services are price capped, and information for fee-based services, quoted services and public lighting can be found in the AER’s Final Decision for Alternative Control Services.
Our prices that apply to distribution services
Annual Compliance
Each year, TasNetworks provides the AER with our annual pricing proposal for SCS and ACS. This proposal reflects the approved revenue adjusted for prevailing economic conditions, e.g., consumer price index, consumer demand, as outlined in Attachments A and B.
Standard Control Services (SCS) Prices
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Standard control services (SCS) refers to services that are relied on by most (if not all) customers and include the provision of complex connections to our distribution network.
Annual revenue is recovered through our general network charges (network tariffs), and enables the building, running and maintenance of the electricity distribution network. Your network tariff can comprise of a service charge, consumption charge and / or demand charge.
The amount of revenue that is recovered each financial year through our network tariffs is capped by the AER.
- 2024-25 Annual SCS pricing model (XLS)
- 2024-25 SCS network tariff schedule (PDF)
- 2024-2029 Network Tariff Application Guide (PDF)
For more information on our residential and small business network charges for 2024-25 visit:
- 2024-25 Residential prices fact sheet (PDF)
- 2024-25 Small business prices fact sheet (PDF)
- 2024-25 residential and small business time of use network tariff fact sheet (PDF)
The 2024-2029 Network Tariff Application Guide provides the rules associated with each network tariff and how they are to be applied to different groups of customers.
Alternative Control Services (ACS) Prices
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Alternative control services (ACS) refer to those services that can be directly attributed to and/or are initiated by a particular customer. These services are subject to direct regulatory oversight where the AER caps the prices that can be used by TasNetworks to quote jobs.
The annual approved prices can be found:
The application guides for the 2024-2029 regulatory control period for these services are located:
Negotiated Services Framework and Criteria
Our negotiating framework sets out the procedures in setting up an agreement with a company or individual wishing to receive a negotiated distribution service.Read more
The framework details the terms and conditions to be met for a company to access certain distribution services. The provision of negotiated services is subject to lighter regulation than the rules that govern the other regulated services we provide.
Connections Policy
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Our Distribution Connection Pricing Policy (PDF) details our charging structure for connecting to our distribution network.
We calculate charges for new connections or modifications to existing connections based on a method that accurately reflects the associated costs and benefits, ensuring full compliance with regulatory standards.
Farmshare Net Metering Trial
TasNetworks is planning a trial to enable primary producers who generate their own electricity to offset that energy against the electricity they use at other connections on the same property.
The trial will test new network billing methods that group multiple connections on the same property and combine the metering data TasNetworks receives for those connections, so network charges can be calculated for the property as a whole, instead of for each connection. This will enable exports of energy from any of those connections to reduce the consumption of energy at other connections on the property, instead of the exported energy being used by other customers.