Tasmania’s energy future
Over the next 20 years, as part of Australia’s transition to a more sustainable future, the State is set to increase its renewable energy capabilities still further. Tasmania will expand its role as a supplier of zero emission energy to both Tasmanian customers and mainland Australia and produce green hydrogen for both domestic and international markets.
Under the State Government’s Tasmanian Renewable Energy Target (TRET), the State’s renewable energy output will double, so that by 2040 Tasmania will produce twice as much clean energy as it does now. Realising this ambition will require substantial adaptation of ‘the current Tasmanian transmission network.
As Tasmania’s transmission network service provider, TasNetworks will be managing this step change in the generation and transmission of electricity through the Tasmanian network planning process.

Our network strategy
Further information on TasNetworks plans to deliver this ambitious target can be found in this document
Have your say
We welcome questions or comments on our Transmission Network Plans. Please send your feedback to planning.enquiries@tasnetworks.com.au