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Drone inspections trial

We're trialling drone technology to inspect power poles

We're trialling drone technology to inspect power poles

The drones will be inspecting powerlines during April 2022 in the Sandy Bay, Queenstown to Strahan, and the greater Lilydale areas. Drone technology is a cost-effective and safe alternative to the regular ground-based/helicoptor inspections we generally undertake as part of our extensive asset maintenance program.


  • Why are you trialling drones to inspect power poles?

    Drone inspections are a potential alternative to existing helicopter inspection programs.  Drones provide a safety improvement to both the pilots and public over the use of helicopters that are required to fly in close proximity to the ground and near power distribution assets.  Drones will also mitigate the impacts that  helicopters have on eagles, raptors, livestock and other animals.

Have questions?

If you have questions or concerns about this trial, give us a call or submit an online enquiry.

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