Connecting with our community
We recognise the importance of being a socially aware organisation and are committed to working alongside the communities we’re a part of to make a meaningful difference to the lives of Tasmanians, now and into the future.

Community Grants Program
We’re pleased to announce the successful applicants for the 2024 Community Grants Program.

Engaging with you
We're committed to engaging with you about our activities and plans for the future. From planning our network and the way we meet our regulatory obligations, as well as our day-to-day operations, we value your input in everything we do.

Bright Sparks Safety in Schools Program
Delivered to 10,000 Tasmanian Primary School Students each year, our free Bright Sparks Program is all about teaching Tassie kids how use electricity safely and efficiently at home.

Community Partnerships
Through our partnerships, we're connecting with and investing in the diverse communities that make our island unique, to deliver projects that are creating a better tomorrow.