Electrical emergencies and outages

If you've lost power or want to report fallen powerlines

General enquiries

For general enquiries, call from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Unexpected error

An unexpected error has occurred. Please re-enter the information submitted or call us on 1300 137 008.

What type of connection do you require?

New connections

Are you arranging a brand new power connection to a newly built house or shed?

Change an existing connection

Do you need to relocate or increase the power supply to your existing connection?

Solar connections

Want to connect a solar system or upgrade an existing one? 


Connecting a new irrigation system, or upgrading, relocating an existing irrigation connection?

Business connections

Arranging a new connection, upgrading or increasing power supply to your business

Subdivisions & developments

Are you planning a large subdivision or development? We'd like to speak with you early in your project planning to ensure we understand your needs.

Relocate an asset

Enquire about removing or relocating a TasNetworks asset

Embedded generation

Wanting to connect an embedded generator or upgrade an existing one?

New streetlights

If you're a Council, use this form to arrange new streetlight fixture connections or changing fixtures on existing streetlights.

Transmission connections

For information about all new transmission connections to the electricity network

Renewable Hydrogen

Find out how we’re powering Tasmania’s renewable hydrogen